Privacy policy
last updated: 12/31/2020
Jofran (We, Our, Us) is a home furnishings retailer in the area. Our website aims to create an easy, informative, and enjoyable online shopping environment that enables our customers to access a large selection of home furnishings, find any information necessary to make an educated purchase, receive premier local customer service, and satisfy all furniture needs in a one-stop shopping environment. We strive to provide the best home furnishings experience in the area and believe trust is a core piece of that experience.
The goal of this Privacy Policy is to clearly communicate how we collect, use, and protect any personal data gathered from this website. By using our website, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy. This policy applies to any personal information that may have been collected in the past and is already in our files. We may change or add to this policy, so you may want to review it periodically. We will provide further notice if we update the policy in a way that vastly impacts your privacy rights.
Our website may collect information such as personal data, browser and device data, 3rd party data, and data that helps us understand how you use our website. This data allows us to understand our market needs, provide a personalized shopping experience, respond to customer questions, and process online orders. List of personal information we may collect:
Personal information, including name, phone number, email address, and postal address
Online data, such as IP address, Operating System, Cookies, and location information
Non-identifiable demographic information including age and gender
Data showing how you use this site including searching and navigating within the site
Data that tells us about your interests and personal preferences
Purchase history, financial information, including payment methods, billing information, and credit card information
Information passed from Social Media or Third Parties, such as Facebook or Google
Data from Contests, Giveaways, Surveys, and other promotional forms
Information provided by phone calls, online chats, text messages, or email communications
Collecting customer data allows us to give you the services, products, and experience you deserve with a modern business. It allows us to get the best understanding of our customer base, helping us select products and services that best suit the majority of our customers. We may use the information in multiple ways. We may also use third party services to help us collect and use your information, and we encourage you to visit their privacy policy to learn more about their privacy practices.
We use customer information to communicate with you about product inquiries, fulfill and process online orders, respond to customer service requests, schedule deliveries, schedule appointments, or respond to any other business questions, comments, or suggestions.
We use customer information to implement our marketing and advertising strategy. This can include, but isn’t limited to, emails, texts, post mail, online advertisement, and other time-sensitive information regarding our sales and store events that you may be interested in. Most online marketing or advertising campaigns can either be opted out of or blocked.
We may use customer information to provide you with a catered shopping experience including highlighting products and styles on the website that you have shown interest in, or provide you with advertisements or other marketing communications such as email, that include products you have expressed interest in.
We may use customer information to fulfill the purpose of a special event, including but not limited to, surveys, contests, community events, and in-store experiences. Such events may include additional statements regarding how the event handles customer information.
We may use customer information to analyze how customers are using our website and make changes and improvements to provide a better website experience, minimize errors, discover new trends, analyze product performance, prevent fraud and harm, research our customer base, and perform other business needs.
Jofran works with a variety of companies to provide you with a well-rounded shopping experience. We may share certain personal information with marketing partners, social media companies, or third parties who provide services to you or us to carry out our business or to comply with a legal obligation.
We use third parties to provide services to you and us including, but not limited to, managing customer information, sending marketing communications, processing payments, fulfilling orders, analytics, and displaying advertisements.
We may include social media tools for websites such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. These tools may collect information about you such as what pages you have visited and your IP address. You may also log in to your customer account using your Facebook or Google account credentials, and by doing so you are authorizing the sharing of information in connection with the social media account.
We may disclose information about you, if necessary, to comply with laws or regulations, legal processes, litigation, or government requests. Additionally, in the event of a reorganization, merger, or sale we may transfer any and all personal information to the acquiring entity.
If you would like to access or update some of your contact information, you can do so in the following ways:
If you have created a customer account on the website, you can log in to review or update your account and contact information.
You may also contact us using the “How to Contact Us” section below to request a copy of certain information we have about you or to update out of date information. We will provide and update the information requested if reasonably available. We may request that you provide us with information necessary to confirm your identity before responding to your request.
If you do not wish to continue to receive promotional emails from us, you may contact us using the “How to Contact Us” section below to request to be unsubscribed from our email marketing lists. At any time, you may also unsubscribe from promotional emails via the unsubscribe link provided in each promotional email you receive. Unsubscribing from email marketing does not apply to operational emails such as order confirmation emails, inquiry submission emails, etc.
Some web browsers offer Do Not Track (DNT) functionality which can signal to websites that a user does not want their online activity to be tracked. Currently there is no uniform or consistent way for a website to respond or recognize a DNT signal. Please note that at this time, our website does not respond to DNT signals.
We have implemented reasonable safeguards to help ensure that information collected on the website is secure. We have put in place a variety of technical and administrative security measures such as https to help protect you and your personal information. However, there is no guarantee that any e-commerce solution, website, or database is completely secure. You are responsible for taking precautions best suited for you to protect your personal information against unauthorized disclosure or misuse.
Third parties are vendors outside of our website that provide products or services to maintain and improve the website and customer shopping experience. We may collect information that is provided by third parties such as demographic or location data, and our website may contain links to third party websites or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third parties, but are governed by their own privacy policies. We encourage you to learn about the privacy practices of those third parties by visiting the privacy policy on their website.
Cookies are a small piece of data stored on a user’s computer by the browser when visiting websites. There are two types of cookies: “session cookies”, which are created temporarily while visiting a website and are deleted once you leave the website, and “persistent cookies”, which remain on a user’s computer after they leave the website so that the website can recognize the user when they return. Persistent cookies remain on your computer until the duration period of the cookie is met or the user deletes the cookie. Our website uses cookies to help us recognize you, to keep track of items in your shopping cart, and to provide our visitors with a tailored user experience. With the help of cookies, we can present you with customized content and ads that will be of more interest to you.
Third parties, such as advertising networks and providers for services, such as web traffic analytic data, may also use cookies on our website. Our website uses Google Analytics to analyze visits to our website and to track user’s interactions on the website. To learn more about how Google Analytics collects and processes data, please visit How Google uses data when you use our partners’ sites or apps.
If you want to disable cookies, you have the option of setting your browser to reject cookies. Check with your browser provider for instructions on how to disable cookies. However, if all cookies are disabled some personalization and functionality will not be available on our website, including, but not limited to, the ability to keep items in your shopping cart and to complete a purchase.
We never knowingly collect or maintain information on our website from children that are under the age of 13, and no part of our website is directed to anyone under 13. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under 13, we will take reasonable steps to delete the personal information as soon as possible.
If you are a California Resident, you have additional rights under the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) regarding collected personal information. These rights include:
The right to request disclosure of information collected or sold, including the categories of information that have been collected or sold, the categories of sources from which the personal information has been collected, the use of the information, the categories of personal information disclosed or sold to third parties, and the categories of third parties to whom information was disclosed or sold.
The right to request disclosure of specific personal information collected about you during the preceding 12 months.
The right to request personal information collected about you deleted, except where that information is necessary to perform certain business operations including, but not limited to completing a transaction or provide a good or service requested by the consumer, to detecting and protecting against security threats or prosecute those responsible, to debugging and repairing errors that impair functionality, and to exercise or comply with certain legal rights or obligations.
The right to opt out of the sale of personal information. Click “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” to opt out of having your information sold.
The right to not be discriminated against for exercising your privacy rights.
To exercise your right to request disclosure of information collected or sold, to request disclosure of specific information collected about you, or to request personal information collected about you be deleted, please contact us online. We will respond within 45 days of receipt of the request, and we may need to request additional information to verify the identity of the requesting party.
Get in touch with one of our locations if you have any questions or would like additional information about this policy or anything else on our website.